Daily Devotional for Sunday June 13, 2010

Don't Push God's Grace

(Acts 5:1-11)

Don't push God's grace. I have heard many wonderful messages on "the God of the second chance." I have to admit that in my life, it has been the God of the "I can't count that high" chances. I have been guilty in my life of rolling the dice and counting on God's grace to be there. Let me share something with you today that you MUST listen to. There is NO PLACE in the bible that promises you a second chance.

The messages on "the God of the second chance" are testimonies....NOT Biblical promises. Again, there is NO PLACE in the Bible where God promises you a second chance. However I do believe, that as long as you have breath, you can receive God's grace. That is where you are playing spiritual roulette. The Bible does tell us that tomorrow is not guaranteed to any of us. Read today's Scripture about Ananias and Sapphira.

The point of today's Devotional is as a warning, a wake-up call to those who are living in rebellion to God's will and plan for their life. Those who are betting that they can enjoy the fruits of sin and at some point "get right" with God...that may work...you may get lucky. But are you willing to bet eternity on a few moments of pleasure? Let me tell you the other fallacy in that thinking. Once you are involved in sinful activities, it becomes like quicksand.

You may want out, but at some point you realize that you can't get out. Sin lures you in, like the Venus flytrap, and all of a sudden you can't escape. You stop praying, you stop reading the Bible, you stop going to church, and you turn off any message of God. It becomes a slippery slope and each day you fall farther, making it harder to escape. I am speaking to many of you today, and you know who you are.

The answer? God sends His Word to you at various times to help you escape. He loves you! He has a perfect plan for your life. This message today is one of those times that God is speaking directly to your heart. This is not an accident that you are reading this today. The answer? Run from your sin and run to God before it is too late.

The story of Ananias and Sapphira is NOT a work of fiction. It happened. These were real people. They tempted God, pushed His grace, and lost! God is giving you an opportunity today to turn away from your sin. He will help you. He will strengthen you. Don't miss this chance, because THERE IS NO GUARANTEE YOU WILL HAVE ANOTHER ONE.

I love you and care about you. These are tough words because I know so many are hurting and in the midst of great turmoil. However, I have to be honest with you, because you need someone to tell it like it is. You can count on my prayers, and if I can help in any way, don't hesitate to contact me.

The most important question to ask yourself is this. am I really happy with my life, living in rebellion to God? If the answer is no, then find a quiet place right now, and simply ask God to forgive you, repent of your sins, and ask Him to help you come back to Him. He is extending His grace to you today. Don't take that grace for granted.

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller