Daily Devotional for Sunday April 25, 2010
At the Time this Biblical Account was Happening There was a Famine in the Land
(1 Kings 18:16-39)
At the time this Biblical account was happening, there was a famine in the land. People were starving, looking everywhere for food. I want you to know that we have a famine in our land today, only it is a spiritual famine. People are starving for the truth and looking everywhere for answers to deal with day-to-day life.
During Elijah's time, God's people were being blamed for many of the problems the people of that day were facing much like in our society Christians are fair targets for any kind of criticism. In this politically-correct time, it seems the only group you can get away with publicly condemning are those who profess Jesus Christ as their Savior.
The truth is, in Elijah's day, and in the age we live, it is God's people who keep society from completely melting down. We are the spiritual glue that holds society together. We would be living in total chaos without people who loved and served God.
Just as Elijah challenged the people to choose which God they would serve, we have that same decision to make today. The choice in this passage of the Bible was between the false prophets of Baal and the God of Israel.
Our decision today is the same. We can choose to serve the false prophets of this world or the Son of the living God, Jesus Christ. Let me warn you, this is not a game, it is a real life decision that determines where we spend eternity. The sacrifice is not a bull, but our very lives.
The false prophets of this world claim they have the answers. They have the answers in the psychic hotlines. They have the answers in alcohol and drugs. They have the answers in money and material possessions. They have the answers in illicit sex with many partners. They have the answers in empty rituals, in idols. The only problem is, when you need them . . . there is no response. In times of trouble, these false prophets of this world are nowhere to be found.
Jesus Christ claims to be the way, the truth, the life. He claims to be God. JESUS PROVED HIS CLAIMS. THEY WERE VALIDATED BY GOD ALMIGHTY WHEN HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD ON THAT GLORIOUS SUNDAY MORNING!!!! When He rose from the dead, all He said and taught was validated.
He promised never to leave us nor forsake us and that promise was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost when He sent the Holy Spirit to indwell and empower believers. Millions of lives in the last 2,000 years have been transformed through a personal faith in Christ. Jesus is alive today and at the right hand of God interceding for those who believe in Him!
I love you and care about you so much! Elijah challenged the people, "Choose today who is going to be God of your life and follow him." Jesus told us, "No man can serve two masters." There was only one winner that day on Mt. Carmel. The false prophets of Baal failed to produce their god, however, the God of Elijah, the God of you and me, answered by fire that day and is still answering the cries from His children today.
I will be praying today that you will make the only choice there is . . . Jesus Chris . . . .the Son of the living God!!!
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller