Daily Devotional for Wednesday March 31, 2010

One of the Joys in My Life is to Look Over Some of the Thousands of Praise Reports We Receive

(Psalms 91:15, 89:1)

One of the joys in my life is to look over some of the thousands of incredible praise reports we receive every day here at Liveprayer. Real people that had emailed us to pray about real issues in their life. It is a tremendous honor and privilege to be able to stand in agreement with people for the needs they face during the course of their journey through life. I am always moved to see God's grace and mercy at work in the lives of people as He answers their prayers.

Several times each year, I like to share a sampling of those praise reports with you. I do this because so many of you are facing great obstacles in your life today, and need to know God is there. The Bible proclaims that God is no respecter of person. That simply means what God has done for someone else, He will do for you. So I want you to know today that no matter what your need is, what your problem is, what the battle you are fighting may be, God not only hears your prayers, BUT HE ANSWERS YOUR PRAYERS!

Also, so many of you pray and sacrificially give to the work God is doing here at Liveprayer. I want to encourage you today as well, that your prayers, and your gifts to this work are not in vain. What we do each and every day for over 2 million people all over the world is only possible because you care, you pray, and you give. Let these praise reports be an encouragement to you that God is using you to make a difference in the lives of people. God is using your obedience, your faithfulness to reach those who are lost and hurting with His love and hope. May God use these praise reports today to be a blessing to you!

"Dear Bill, Thank you so much for the prayers. I had my eye surgery (cataract) yesterday and it went very smoothly. I can now see letters that before were nothing but a blur."

"Praise God! About a month or so ago I emailed you for prayers (which you graciously)responded to, that my family and I would not be evicted from our apartment by an unfair slum landlord. Well, first we got new apartment owners who are wonderful, then last week we got an even bigger blessing, we got a co-signor through our church to buy a mobile home that we could never have afforded on our own."

"Praise God I found my keys!"

"A couple of years ago the Lord used you to help me through a very traumatic time in my life. You and I were emailing one another back and forth and I vividly remember your words concerning my particular situation was GET OUT of that Church! RUN!! It was one where the Pastor used his power to take sexual advantages over another sister and I. You actually helped me the through the whole process of Matt. 18, and then you said get out when they didn't recv it at that church."

"I had asked you for prayer concerning a job after finishing school. You said that I had to be patient and wait upon the Lord. I took your advice and just trusted that He would provide the right job in His time. He did!"

"Wanted to let you know that my husband, Jan, got a good report from his scans. The doctor says "No Cancer." We are so thankful. Thank you for your prayers. God Bless."

"I fell into a deep pit that leads to death(pornography). I read the help section of LivePrayer and asked the Lord for the strength to stop. Give up this world, and start doing his will. My help was immediate. The Lord lead me back to him.I can feel the love in my heart,and a sorrow for the things I did."

"I have prayed the sinners prayer and am asking for additional information that can help guide me along the way."

"I have used the Live Prayer web site on several times and have never been disappointed in the blessings God has bestowed upon me and my family for my prayer requests I made. I want to thank everyone who has prayed for me it made a real difference in our lives."

"I want to thank you for praying that my husband would get that job that he was trying to get. He started yesterday, I'm so thankful for you and that you take your time every day to pray for people."

"Dear Mr. Keller, I would like to thank you so much for praying for my beautiful little girl, she rose from her coma a few days ago because of the power of prayer and God's healing. Through all of the support and prayer I have received from you my heart has been touched."

"HI Bill, Remember yesterday I emailed you about Gary smoking Pot, well, I showed him the article, as I was reading him your Devotional, he started gathering all his pipes and stash and all little pieces, I never told him to throw it away, I just said that God doesn't want you to smoke. As he was listening he started throwing everything in the garbage RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME."

"It's not even a week I sent requests out to say I need prayers for supplies, to help me generate money ...and now orders are coming in torrents.Praise the Lord!!!"

"I am a Cell Group leader, and sing in the choir and worship team. I have been seeing a woman from our church for about 2 years and we plan to get married. We still haven't had sex, but I started letting her spend the night with my son and I, for her convenience, and thought nothing about it because we were staying chaste. Then, last Sunday, a friend mentioned that he had seen her truck at my house, and thought we had gotten married without telling everyone. Then came your devotional you did about Jennifer Wilbanks. I realized that we were not being a very good 'Bible' to whomever may be looking. I just told her that we cannot do this any more, and explained the power of your message in light of the other reminders."

"I have prayed the prayer, and asked God to come into my life. Now I am asking you for the extra reading materials that you have for me. Bless you, and bless your works. I have been following your messages for over 4 years now. Sometimes I have been depressed, and they have helped me out of depression. Other times, I have been happy, and they have helped remind me who really brought me all my happiness, and to not forget to thank my Maker. Thanks and blessings again for all you do."

"Dear Bill, a time ago I wrote to you asking for prayer for my family. We were having some big problems. There have been many prayers for us. I have continued to pray and be obedient to God in my life and to serve him. Today I am so grateful to God that he has heard our prayers and my family is being healed in His name. My husband and I are attending church together and praying and worshiping God together and little by little by his mercy and grace God is healing our family. Thank you for your prayers and praise to God who can heal any situation no matter how hopeless it seems."

"hello my name is holly and on your show last night i prayed with mr. keller and accepted jesus christ as my savior.i watch the show often and love the fact that is there for me .i would like the free copy of the book he offered on last nights show if it is still available.i pray for the whole world and thanks for praying with me.

"PRAISE GOD!! Our two boys have been found after being lost at sea for 6 days!! Thanks to everyone who joined us in prayer!! Our God is an awesome God who is still in the miracle business!! God Bless you all!!"

"Thank you for your prayers! Our pet, Rascal, came home today. He is hungry and dirty but home! Again thank you for praying!"

"Dear Mr Bill,I just get home from my test for my citizenship, and I pass the test the only thing I have to do next is to take an Oath then, I'm legally an American citizen,I'm so happy right now. also I want to thank you the Lord for this without him I can't do it.Thank you for praying for me.God bless you."

"Dear Pastor Keller, I prayed the prayer and would like to receive the information as promised for my salvation. Thank you very much and God Bless you dear one."

I love you and care about you so much. May these praise reports encourage you today that no matter what your problem may be, God is there for you. Also, thanks to all of my dear friends that so faithfully pray for this ministry each day and sacrificially give to keep us here. GOD IS GREATLY USING YOUR LIFE TO BRING HIS HOPE AND LOVE TO LOST AND HURTING PEOPLE WORLDWIDE EVERY DAY BECAUSE OF YOUR FAITHFULNESS AND OBEDIENCE!!!

All praise goes to our great God for His unconditional love for us and his endless grace and mercy. He is worthy to be praised!!!!

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller