Daily Devotional for Wednesday December 16, 2009

What You Must Know about Mitt Romney and Glenn Beck - Part III

(Galatians 1:6-12)

WHAT YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT MITT ROMNEY AND GLENN BECK!!! This is a special 5-part series that you MUST READ!!! Because of their supposed conservative ideology in contrast to the socialist policies of the current Obama Administration, the leading Republican candidate is Mitt Romney and one of the most powerful men in media today is Glenn Beck. BOTH ARE DEVOUT MORMONS AND THEIR GOALS ARE NOT PURELY POLITICAL, BUT THE FULFILLMENT OF THE PROPHECIES OF THIS SATANIC CULTS FOUNDER, THE MURDERING, RACIST, PEDOPHILE JOSEPH SMITH!!! You will never hear this anywhere else. Please share all 5 parts with every person you know. President Obama is clearly a man in rebellion to God, but the supposed saviors from Obama are "wolves in sheep's clothing," only interested in fulfilling the prophecies of their satanic cult!!!

I want to thank my dear friend Ed Decker, founder and President of Saints Alive in Jesus. For 20 years of his adult life, Ed was a member of the Melchizedek priesthood, a Temple Mormon and active in many church positions, before coming to know the true Jesus of the Bible. Ed co-authored the ground breaking best seller, "The God Makers," one of the first times the true beliefs of Mormonism was exposed to the world, and is one of the foremost authority on the Mormon cult in the world today. This 5-part series comes from his book, "My Kingdom Come, The Mormon Quest for Godhood." To get Ed's book and learn more about the Mormon cult,please visit Ed's website: http://www.saintsalive.com

Part Three of Five

Updated from "My Kingdom Come: The Mormon Quest for Godhood" Ed Decker

Permission granted to Bill Keller for full use

The Mormon Plan for America and The Rise of men like Mitt Romney and Glenn Beck,

The Men Who Would Be Gods

The Law of Sacrifice

One of several temple oaths was Romney's oath of Obedience to the Law of Sacrifice, in which he vowed:

As Jesus Christ has laid down his life for the redemption of mankind, so we should covenant to sacrifice all that we [I] possess, even our [my] own lives [life] if necessary, in sustaining and defending the Kingdom of God.

The "execution of the penalty" for disobedience at the time Mitt Romney took out his "temple Endowments" was demonstrated by:

...placing the thumb under the left ear, the palm of the hand down, and by drawing the thumb quickly across the throat to the right ear, and dropping the hand to the side.

Can you even imagine that well-educated Mormon men of such political stature like former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Utah Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah, or Senator Harry Reid of Nevada could bring their thumbs to their throats and swear a blood oath that they will "suffer" their throats slit from ear to ear should they not "sacrifice all that [they] possess, even [their] own lives if necessary, in sustaining and defending the Kingdom of God, as defined by the Mormon prophet.

These LDS oaths are taken directly from the rituals of Blue Lodge Masonry, the source of much of the LDS Temple rituals. It is no wonder, since the first five presidents and prophets of the LDS church were Masons.

These high-level Temple Mormons clearly know that this Mormon "Kingdom of God" is, in reality, a Mormon one-world government, a theocracy, soon coming to America, that will be run by the strong arm of the Mormon Brethren, headed up by the only true prophet of God on earth. It is clear that they did swear such an oath.

The Law of Consecration

The other significant oath Mitt Romney has sworn to obey is the Law of Consecration. In the LDS temple ritual, the officiator says to the temple "patrons":

We are instructed to give unto you the Law of Consecration as contained in the book of Doctrine and Covenants, in connection with the Law of the Gospel and the Law of Sacrifice which you have already received. It is that you do consecrate yourselves, your time, talents and everything which the Lord has blessed you, or with which he may bless you, to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for the building up of the Kingdom of God on the earth and for the establishment of Zion.

All arise. (All patrons stand.) Each of you bring your right arm to the square.

You and each of you covenant and promise before God, angels, and these witnesses at this altar, that you do accept the Law of Consecration as contained in the Doctrine and Covenants, in that you do consecrate yourselves, your time, talents, and everything with which the Lord has blessed you, or with which he may bless you, to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for the building up of the Kingdom of God on the earth and for the establishment of Zion.

Each of you bow your head and say "yes."


Now we can see and understand the spiritual positioning of elder Mitt Romney beginning on that first day and reinforced with every temple visit thereafter until it has been ground into his very DNA.

Let's go back to Chapter 16 of my book, The God Makers.

Secrets of the Hidden Kingdom

Mormon leaders call their empire the "Kingdom of God." However, their "God" is an extraterrestrial from Kolob, definitely not the God of the Bible; and the "Zion" to which their spirit-brother-of-Lucifer Jesus Christ will return to reign is Independence, Missouri.

Most Christians believe, as the Bible declares, that Christ will return to Jerusalem, Israel, to establish His millennial kingdom, whereas Mormons believe that they must establish a worldwide Mormon kingdom dictated from their Missouri base in order to make it possible for Christ to return.

Therein lies a great difference, which is why the Mormon hierarchy, beginning with Joseph Smith himself, has always had worldwide and absolute political power as its goal.

Mormon historian Klaus J. Hansen has written:

The idea of a political kingdom of God, promulgated by a secret Council of Fifty, is by far the most important key to an understanding of the Mormon past. 5

Mormon writer John J. Stewart has said:

The Prophet established a confidential Council of Fifty, or "Ytfif," (Fifty spelled backwards), comprised of both Mormons and non-Mormons, to help attend to temporal matters, including the eventual development of a one-world government, in harmony with preparatory plans for the second advent of the Saviour.

Let's jump again to the section called: "Some Extremely Grave Questions":

Mormonism seems as American as apple pie, and Mormons seem to be the perfect citizens with their close families, high morals, patriotism, Boy Scout programs, Tabernacle Choir, and conservative politics. A Los Angeles Times article implied that Mormons have recently gained the image of "super-Americans . . . [who] appear to many to be 'more American than the average American.'

This may explain why such a high proportion of Mormons find their way into government. Returned LDS missionaries have "the three qualities the CIA wants: foreign language ability, training in a foreign country, and former residence in a foreign country." Utah (and particularly BYU) is one of the prime recruiting areas for the CIA. According to BYU spokesman Dr. Gary Williams, "We've never had any trouble placing anyone who has applied to the CIA. Every year they take almost anybody who applies."

He also admitted that this has created problems with a number of foreign countries, who have complained about the "pretty good dose of [Mormon] missionaries who've gone back to the countries they were in as Central Intelligence agents."

This may at least partially explain the reported close tie between the Mormon Church and the CIA. A disproportionate number of Mormons arrive at the higher levels of the CIA, FBI, military intelligence, armed forces, and all levels of city, state, and federal governments, including the Senate, Congress, Cabinet, and White House Staff. Sincere and loyal citizens, most of them may be unaware of the secret ambition of The Brethren. What could be better than having such patriots as these serving in strategic areas of government and national security?

Unfortunately, as we have noticed in every other area of Mormonism, the real truth lies hidden beneath the seemingly ideal image of patriotism presented by Mormons in public service. In fact their very presence in responsible government positions, particularly in agencies dealing with national security, raises some extremely serious questions that were expressed in my following letter mailed to the LDS Brethren in Salt Lake City. I also published it as an open letter in The Salt Lake Tribune.

The Mormon Oath of Vengeance Against This Nation

An open letter to:

The President, First Presidency and members of the General Authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

August 21, 1980


I was recently reflecting that although the actual blood oath and the oath of vengeance were removed from the Temple ceremonies sometime after 1930, you gentlemen [listing ten of the above] are of an age to have received your own endowments prior to their removal, and therefore, are still under these oaths.

I am particularly interested in your personal position on your oath of vengeance against the United States of America. As you recall, the oath was basically as follows:

You and each of you do solemnly promise and vow that you will pray and never cease to importune high heaven to AVENGE THE BLOOD OF THE PROPHETS (Joseph and Hiram Smith) ON THIS NATION, and that you will teach this to your children and your children's children unto the third and fourth generation.

Have you officially renounced this oath? Or are you still bound by it?

If you have not renounced it, how can you presume to lead four-and-one-half [now over six and a half million Americans] million people [US citizens] under item 12 of your Articles of Faith and still be bound to call upon heaven to heap curses upon our nation? ("We believe in being subject to Kings, Presidents, Rulers and Magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.")

If you have renounced it, how can you justify having sworn such an oath in the most holy of holy places on this earth, before the sacred altar of your omnipotent God, and then renounce it? Gentlemen, I call upon you to repent of this abomination and proclaim to both the Mormon people and to the people of the United States of America that you renounce that oath and all it represents.

I also call upon all members of the Mormon Church who hold office in our government, serve in the Armed Services, work for the FBI and CIA who have gone through the Mormon Temple and sworn oaths of obedience and sacrifice to the church and its leaders (above), to repent of these oaths in the light of the obvious conflict of interest between their pledge of allegiance to the USA and their higher loyalty to a group of men who are sworn to seek vengeance against this great nation.


(Signed) J. Edward Decker

cc: President J. Carter, Mr. Ronald Reagan

No response was received to this letter. The Brethren are so powerful that they are immune to criticism and feel no need to explain themselves or account to anyone for these actions. The Mormon Church already packs a political punch far out of proportion to its size. The Wall Street Journal explained how, in spite of the Constitution separation between Church and State, public schools in Utah are used to instill Mormonism in young minds.

It mentioned political reapportionment, airline deregulation, the basing of the MX missile and the ERA as political issues affected by the power of the Church. For example, when the Church opposed the MX for Utah, those plans were immediately dropped by the federal government. The same Wall Street Journal article quoted the following statement from J.D. Williams, a University of Utah political science professor:

There is a disquieting statement in Mormonism: "When the leaders have spoken, the thinking has been done." To me, democracy can't thrive in that climate. They [Mormon politicians] don't have to be called to Church headquarters for political instruction. They know what they're supposed to do. That's why non-Mormons can only look toward the Mormon Church and wonder: "What is Big Brother doing to me today?"

*Don't miss the rest of this breakthrough series tomorrow thru Friday that will go in depth to teach you how Romney and Beck see themselves as the catalysts to fulfill the satanically inspired prophecies of Mormon cult founder Joseph Smith. The series ends on Friday with a close look and special warning about Glenn Beck!!!

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller