Daily Devotional for Tuesday December 15, 2009
What You Must Know about Mitt Romney and Glenn Beck - Part II
(Galatians 1:6-12)
WHAT YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT MITT ROMNEY AND GLENN BECK!!! This is a special 5-part series that you MUST READ!!! Because of their supposed conservative ideology in contrast to the socialist policies of the current Obama Administration, the leading Republican candidate is Mitt Romney and one of the most powerful men in media today is Glenn Beck. BOTH ARE DEVOUT MORMONS AND THEIR GOALS ARE NOT PURELY POLITICAL, BUT THE FULFILLMENT OF THE PROPHECIES OF THIS SATANIC CULTS FOUNDER, THE MURDERING, RACIST, PEDOPHILE JOSEPH SMITH!!! You will never hear this anywhere else. Please share all 5 parts with every person you know. President Obama is clearly a man in rebellion to God, but the supposed saviors from Obama are "wolves in sheep's clothing," only interested in fulfilling the prophecies of their satanic cult!!!
I want to thank my dear friend Ed Decker, founder and President of Saints Alive in Jesus. For 20 years of his adult life, Ed was a member of the Melchizedek priesthood, a Temple Mormon and active in many church positions, before coming to know the true Jesus of the Bible. Ed co-authored the ground breaking best seller, "The God Makers," one of the first times the true beliefs of Mormonism was exposed to the world, and is one of the foremost authority on the Mormon cult in the world today. This 5-part series comes from his book, "My Kingdom Come, The Mormon Quest for Godhood." To get Ed's book and learn more about the Mormon cult,please visit Ed's website: http://www.saintsalive.com
Part Two of Five
Updated from "My Kingdom Come: The Mormon Quest for Godhood" Ed Decker
Permission granted to Bill Keller for full use
The Mormon Plan for America and The Rise of men like Mitt Romney and Glenn Beck,
The Men Who Would Be Gods
The Candidate with the Real God Complex
Mitt Romney is a Temple Mormon, a High Priest, and as such, he has sworn blood oaths of sacrifice, obedience and consecration to the church and this special "Kingdom of God." His perfect obedience to these laws will allow him to become a god in the next life, the literal father of the peoples of a new and different earth. He was truly a Presidential candidate with an actual, definable god complex.
On February 12, 2007, as Mitt Romney announced that he would run for the office of President, he commented in a USA Today, article, "Will Mormon faith hurt bid for White House?" by Jill Lawrence:
It is not his job as a presidential candidate to educate people about his church. "I'm running for a secular position," he said in an interview. "I subscribe to what Abraham Lincoln called America's political religion. The Constitution and the rule of law are the highest promises I would make in taking the oath of office."
Mitt Romney's LDS understanding of the U.S. Constitution and its divine role in the end times is not that of the average American.
Mitt Romney is a nice-looking man, successful in the business world, with core values of family, church and faith. He does not smoke, drink or even touch coffee or tea. He has been married to the same woman for decades. He seems like the cure for dealing with the corruption of our national leadership. What could possibly be wrong in having such a man as our President? Let's look at some of the reasons his presidency could be the end of America as we know it.
I recently searched through my files and have resurrected and updated a research paper, "The Mormon Plan for America." That information is part of what I share below.
Some Extremely Grave Questions
Let me re-introduce you to a portion of one chapter in my book, The God Makers, co-authored with Dave Hunt. It is a part of Chapter 16: "The Hidden Kingdom." I suggest that you buy the book and read the entire story. It will shock you even more than what I will reveal here.
It is a hidden kingdom that lurks beneath the placid surface of public Mormonism. It is this LDS "Kingdom of God" that former Governor Mitt Romney has sworn blood oaths of obedience to in the LDS Temple ritual. The Late Apostle and LDS theologian, elder Bruce R. McConkie, described the Mormon temples as "holy sanctuaries wherein sacred ordinances, rites, and ceremonies are performed which pertain to salvation and exaltation in the kingdom of God....
There are several purposes to be achieved in the temple by worthy Mormons. First, they learn the secret/sacred signs, tokens, handshakes necessary to pass by the sentinels and enter the Celestial glory where they will become gods and goddesses and people new earths like this one.
Second, they receive sacred undergarments to wear for their protection while on earth, a secret new name by which they will be called from the grave and then swear obedience to certain laws that will govern their membership, obedience to the prophet and their behavior while on earth. Their sacred undergarments are marked with secret talismanic symbols that he believes will keep him protected as he works his way to godhood. These are the very same markings that Lucifer claims in the LDS Temple ritual are the emblems of his, Lucifer's, power and priesthood.
Mitt Romney's temple experience was no different than this when he first received his "endowments" in preparation for his service as an LDS Missionary. From his secret name to his blood oaths and sacred garments with Lucifer's marks sewn in, his temple experiences have been the path he has chosen in his quest for godhood.
*Don't miss the rest of this breakthrough series tomorrow thru Friday that will go in depth to teach you how Romney and Beck see themselves as the catalysts to fulfill the satanically inspired prophecies of Mormon cult founder Joseph Smith. The series ends on Friday with a close look and special warning about Glenn Beck!!!
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller