Daily Devotional for Tuesday April 14, 2009
A Nation Spiraling out of Control Ripe for a Revival
(Jonah 3:10 )
A nation spiraling out of control, ripe for a revival! In just the past week, all you had to do is read the headlines and someone with zero spiritual discernment could see that this nation is in spiritual freefall. Today, I want to walk you through some of the recent headlines, the top news stories of the last week, as an indicator of just where we are spiritually as a nation. These sad stories should not dismay men and women of God, but ENCOURAGE us that the climate is ripe for a revival in this land. The people are hungry, looking for hope and looking for answers. We have the ONLY answer and ONLY hope for this nation and each person...JESUS!!!
Probably the most troubling of the recent stories has been the rash of mass murders. From coast to coast, New York to California, in a premeditated fashion, people have gone out with the sole purpose of killing large numbers of innocent people. We have always been horrified with isolated events like Columbine, but many people are now sitting down, planning, then carrying out the mass murder of innocent people for no apparent reason.
Social scientists have proffered numerous theories why there is such a dramatic increase in these episodes of mass murders. The economic crisis, a growing number of mentally unstable people in society, more and more people living isolated lives. I contend that we will see a continued increase of these sad stories of mass murder, and it is due to the spiritual depravity that exists in our culture. We live in a culture of death. Human life has little to no value. Marriage and the family have broken down, causing a breakdown in the key component of our society. Most people have no foundation of faith in their lives and live literally like animals.
A short time ago I shared how we are getting closer to a one-world economic system that will lead to a one-world government, which will usher in a one-world religion. I also recently shared how billionaire George Soros was a type of who the anti-Christ would be like. The big story out the recent G20 meetings was the push towards a one-world currency which of course will create a one-world economy. A big proponent of this is none other than George Soros! He is clearly an instrument satan is using in these last day as he commits his vast resources and power to try and destroy the autonomy of this nation and bring it into a one-world system.
I contend that the void of Biblical Truth in this nation has led us on this path we are on towards socialism and being part of a one-world system. It is no coincidence that the decline of Christianity in the past 40 years and the void of Biblical Truth as a guiding presence in our culture, has opened the door for this path that we are on. Once we decided God was not first, have left God out of our decisions, are guided by our own truth instead of Biblical Truth, as Deuteronomy 8 warns, we are on a path of destruction and will be destroyed!
One of the interesting parts of President Obama's recent trip oversees was his truthful statement about this not being a Christian nation and showing his softness towards Islam. The nation has been in an uproar over whether he bowed to the Saudi King. OF COURSE HE BOWED! That is what a good Muslim does! He bowed to the King out of respect. He also received heat for stating the truth that this is no longer a Christian nation. I have tried to tell people that for years.
We legally slaughter 4,000 innocent babies daily. We make a mockery of God's Holy Institutions of Marriage and the family. We engage in every kind of perverted sexual practice man has been able to dream up. We worship and bow down to the false gods and idols of this world. We have LONG ago forsaken God and His Truth. We give lip service to God but our hearts are far from Him.
Some have made half-hearted attempts to dispute that this is still a Christian nation. They cite huge percentages of people who believe in God, call themselves Christians, and go to chruch. First, these huge numbers are very misleading. While we still have an active, but dwindling Christian subculture, the reality is we have virtually ZERO impact on society or the culture we live in. We have retreated behind the four walls of our churches and left the culture to the wolves of satan to devour. This is clearly no longer a Christian nation and hasn't been for many years now.
Lastly, it is hard to ignore the unfolding of the radical homosexual agenda in this nation. From our gay-friendly President appointing a man who supports the radical homosexual agenda to his Faith Based Council, to inviting gay families to the White House to celebrate the worldly Easter egg hunt, to new gay housing at Texas CHRISTIAN University, to the explosion of gay dating on the once Christian-based eHarmony.com, the radical gay agenda is unfolding in high gear. Be in store for more states to adopt gay marriage and open the doors for gay adoption very soon.
This is just another indicator of the spiritual decay in our nation, as we have embraced this perverted choice of sexuality and have now made it part of our mainstream culture. This is probably as great an indictor as any of the spiritual decline of this nation. For this nation to embrace such perversion and give it such a prominent place in our culture speaks volumes. Sadly, it has been the Christian leaders like Rick Warren who would rather do business with the gay community than condemn it, that are largely to blame for this blight on our land that will surely be judged by God one day, just like He judged Sodom and Gomorrah!
I love you and care about you so much. You read up to this point and you can get pretty discouraged. The point of this message today is just the opposite. It is in this spiritual void that I believe in my heart we can see real revival break out. The end result of all of these issues is that people are hurting, and deep down looking for hope and answers. We have the answers and hope they are looking for. There is still a small window for this nation to repent, turn back to God and to His Truth. Our time is now!
I can only encourage you today. God has raised up Liveprayer for this moment in human history. God gave me the vision for the Jonah Project last July. It is in place, we are adding people daily, and now is your opportunity to take a real stand for Christ. God is calling you today, wants to use you today to help bring revival to this nation. yes, eventfully we will be judged for our sins and wickedness, but I believe we can stay God's hand of judgment just like Nineveh did.
Over 120,000 souls were saved in Nineveh because they turned to God! I believe that we can see millions repent and turn to God in the wake of this revival. You can keep living your life, taking care of yourself, or you can sacrifice your life and allow God to use you for His glory. When you come to the end of your life, it is not what you did for yourself that will matter, but what you did for God. Read that again. When you come to the end of your life, it is not what you did for yourself that will matter, but what you did for God.
Please pray today about signing up and being part of the Jonah Project, God's vehicle to lead this nation back to Himself, to His Truth, and millions to faith in Christ. Go to: www.liveprayer.com/jonah and what the 7 min. vision video, get sign up. Also, get this Devotional to everyone that you know and share the link to the Jonah Project with every person you can communicate with. This is the answer for this nation and for millions of people who are looking for answers and hope in their life. This nation is in spiritual freefall and turning back to God and His Truth is our only hope!!!
***The 300 Update: "My wife and I have been praying about being part of the 300 and we have decided to just send it all at one time, so we will send it to you today. If we did it monthly, something else might get in the way or Jesus may get here before you got a chance to reach those additional people. To say it is a difficult thing to do right now would be an insult to the impossibly difficult thing Christ did to wipe away my sin debt, or that you do every day to bring this truth to our fallen world. Rich blessings of the eternal kind!"
So far, 10 people have contacted me to let me know they would be part of the 300 I need to make a special commitment of $1,000/mo from April thru December in order for Liveprayer to pay off ALL remaining debt, and cover our existing monthly operational costs as we build a base of at least 1 million people in the Jonah Project to immediately lead this nation back to God and His Truth. Please pray today about making the sacrifice to be part of this special group of people God is putting together. If God is calling you to be one of the 300, please email me at: bkeller@liveprayer.com. For those who can't make this type of commitment, know that whatever you give is just as important, since we need to bring in $345,000 each month from April thru December, and your faithfulness and sacrifice is critical for that remaining $45,000 each month. For all of the details about this, go to: http://www.liveprayer.com/ddarchive3.cfm?id=3646
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller