Daily Devotional for Sunday January 11, 2009

The Jonah Project, A Huge Vision from A Huge God

(Jonah 3:5)

The Jonah Project, a huge vision from a huge God! Never forget that God is greater than our greatest vision! This is an enormous vision to lead this nation back to God, back to righteousness, and back to Biblical Truth. I know in the coming days and weeks people will say Keller has finally lost his mind. I know many Christians will point their finger and say this guy is crazy to think he's going to lead the nation back to God. They will say how presumptuous, how prideful, how egotistical.

Join my and be part of this last days move of God! Go to: www.liveprayer.com/jonah and watch the vision video on the homepage, than sign up to be part of the Jonah Project. God bless you!

The fact is, this has nothing to do with pride or ego. I read about Jonah. He was simply a man who obeyed God and God blessed his obedience. You have to understand something. All throughout the Bible, those men and women who made a difference for the Kingdom with their lives were no different than anyone else, except they surrendered themselves wholly to the Lord. If you look at Moses or Noah or Abraham or Paul or Jonah, these were just mere men of flesh and blood who made the decision to make that walk of faith and give their lives unconditionally to the Lord and allow Him to work thru them.

God still works thru men today my friend. The fact is, nobody has stepped up to take that mantle of leadership with a great vision to literally lead this nation back to God and Biblical Truth. There are no accidents or coincidences in this life. Jonah ran from God and God could have let him keep running, but He got his attention to give him a chance to obey Him. There was a reason the events in my life have unfolded the way they have. God could have easily taken his hand off of me years ago. I could have still been out in the business world these past 20 years making millions of dollars running from God. Like Jonah, the Lord loved me enough to get my attention to give me a second chance to obey Him.

My friend, I would not be typing these words today if I didn't know in my heart that if God will hold back his wrath and judgment on this nation just a little longer, we have a chance to turn the nation back to God. I truly believe that or I wouldn't be doing this. I believe that we will see a great revival break out, millions of souls won to faith in Jesus Christ. I believe that or I wouldn't be doing this. I know that the Bible talks about the falling away and the wrath of God that will be poured out on the world in the last days. However, I believe we still have an opportunity to turn hearts and lives, to turn nations, back to God and to His Truth before the world sees God's final judgment.

The media is the vehicle that gives us the ability to turn this nation back to God while leading millions of lost souls to faith in Jesus Christ. Our presence across the country on television and radio every Monday thru Friday, coupled with our 24/7 presence on the Internet, will influence and change millions of hearts and lives as well as the spiritual course of this nation. As I sit here today I believe that there can be real change in this nation. Not this hollow campaign slogan of change that President-elect Barack Hussein Obama preached, but real tangible, visible, recognizable change in the spiritual direction of this nation and in millions of lives.

The fact is, I can do more following God's calling than President Bush, President-elect Obama, or whoever sits in that oval office, since they will only have so much influence to really get anything of significance accomplished. What I'm talking about is changing the heart of this nation. I'm not talking about a cosmetic makeover, but a heart transplant. It can happen! We can see victory over the social ills of our day. It has been a small number of people pushing satan's agenda that has led to the moral and spiritual decline we are experiencing today. What would happen if tens of millions of people were mobilized to take a stand for righteousness?

The legalized infanticide we practice every day can be stopped. How? We mobilize thirty million people and put an end to legalized abortion. Gay marriage? We mobilize thirty million people and pass a Constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman and this perversion of God's Holy Institution of Marriage will be over. We just accept that gambling and pornography are part of our culture and there is nothing we can do about it. But guess what, we don't have to accept it any longer. We can dramatically curtail legalized gambling and the pornography business in this nation. You can't legislate spirituality. You can't legislate the changing of men's hearts. But through the power of God we can see a spiritual revival across our land.

I already know the haters out there, the detractors will be saying, "Oh, there's Bill Keller with some grandiose plan." Well you know what, I'm sure that's what the neighbors of Noah thought as he was building that boat year after year after year, watching him work and thinking what a lunatic Noah was as he built that massive ship on dry land. I'm sure that's also what the friends of Abraham thought as he took his family and all of his possessions and left Ur without even knowing where he was going. I can imagine Paul taking off on his missionary journeys and people asking why he was going to Corinth, to Philippi, to Ephesus, to Galatia, to Rome? . I love you and care about you so much. This is a bold, broad, expansive vision to not only win millions of souls to Christ, but to turn a nation back to God. It can be done. Look at the influence Oprah has over millions of people. Where did she get that influence? A daily TV show. Look at the influence Rush Limbaugh has over millions of people. Where did he get that influence? A daily radio show. We get one shot at this life and when it's over it's over. You can't fail when you serve God. Do you think Elijah was worried about failing when he stood up on Mt. Carmel and challenged the prophets of Baal? No. Do you think David was worried about failing when he walked on the battlefield and fought Goliath? No. Do you think Paul was worried about failing when he went on those missionary journeys? No. You can't fail when you serve God!!!

Please be praying with me for the Jonah Project. Add your prayers even now to the millions, tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of prayers that have been said for this nation over these past 232 years. God's timing is sovereign. Now is the time for this bold and aggressive plan to turn this nation back to God and His Truth, and lead the people back to righteousness. Ten years ago this August, God's vision for Liveprayer became a reality. Ten years and tens of millions of lives later, this ministry is a living testimony that God is greater than our greatest vision.

I believe in my heart of hearts we've done some good work for the Lord these last two decades, especially these nearly 10 years of Liveprayer. I know we have because we've seen over 230,000 souls we know of come to faith in Christ and millions of lives impacted for the Lord. However, we can do more, we can do much more and we will. While saving souls is our primary objective, the Jonah Project is going to give us a bold, visible, powerful voice for God's Truth that this world won't be able to tune out or ignore. We will stand in the public square and call for this nation to repent and turn from its sin and rebellion to God, warning the people of God's pending wrath and judgment if we don't. Seeing millions of souls come to faith in Christ, seeing a nation repent and turn back to God is a HUGE vision, but my friend, we have a HUGE God!!!

Join me and be part of this last days move of God! Go to: www.liveprayer.com/jonah and watch the vision video on the homepage, than sign up to be part of the Jonah Project. God bless you!

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller