Daily Devotional for Wednesday December 31, 2008

Taking God's Truth to the Lost

(Isaiah 55:11)

"So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11

Taking God's Truth to the lost. Last June, I did a 30 minute interview on the "Bubba the Love Sponge Show," the highest rated radio program in the Tampa market ( 11 radio market in the nation). I am certain most people have never heard of the man born Todd Clem, who legally changed his name to Bubba the Love Sponge years ago as he gained notoriety as a shock jock in the mold of Howard Stern. Like Stern, Bubba was a major player in the world of radio, working for numerous stations in major markets like Chicago, Orlando and Tampa, syndicating his programs over the years on stations all over the country.

Also like Stern, he was eventually fired for his outrageous stunts and crossing the FCC line regarding filthy language and ended up on Howard's Sirius satellite radio channel. In addition to his program on Sirius, Bubba was recently was hired to do a morning program in Tampa that within months has become the highest rated radio program in the market. Sex, filth, and appealing to the lowest common denominator attracts an audience and sells.

The fact is, at the end of the year 2008 with the major percentage of two full generations having never gone to church, in a culture that has rejected Biblical Truth, the Sterns and Bubbas of the world are having more success than ever with their vile x-rated formats. What was once programming for a niche market has sadly become programming to the mainstream. Even with the FCC still in place, what was once looked at as outrageous and graphic is now considered normative. The fact is, what shock jocks used to do to get attention is now considered tame. There is a whole new generation of listeners who have grown up with in-your-face sexuality and every kind of debauchery that makes the radio shtick of someone like Bubba actually appeal to a large audience.

Not much surprises me any more, so I wasn't shocked at the number of people who chastised and lambasted me for going on Bubba's radio program, just like they did last year when I was on with Stern. I was told not to cast my pearls before swine, that I had no business being on such a vile and filthy program, that I was wasting my time talking to a man who has cast his lot with satan, that I would only embarrass Christ by associating with such a person, and on and on. These are the same people who still don't understand why all I do on the Internet and through broadcasting is geared to reach the lost and hurting masses outside the four walls of the church.

What these people forget or never understood in the first place, is that it is to the Sterns and Bubbas of the world and those who listen to them that we have been COMMANDED to take the Gospel. These are the very people God has called us to reach out to with His Truth and the hope of Jesus Christ. What these people with no vision also never understood is that while I was happy to get a chance to witness to Bubba, his on-air cohorts, and the behind the scenes production team, it was his listeners I was looking to reach!

Let me be very blunt with you. I would rather have 30 minutes on Bubba's program or Stern's program, reaching their listeners, than preach to a stadium or arena full of people bussed in by the local churches. I am just being honest with you. The people in that stadium or arena will love the message I bring, give a great offering, and buy whatever resources I sell. In appearing with Bubba, the message and me personally will be ridiculed and scorned, there is certainly nobody who is going to give us any money, but it is to THOSE lost and hurting masses living without Christ and heading for the fires of hell that I live to reach each day!

I had no illusions about what the interview would be like, the filthy and very personal nature it would take, the foul language, since that is what Bubba's program is all about. He has made millions of dollars by appealing to the lowest common denominator in men and women, reducing everything to sex. His program is about glorifying lives in complete rebellion to God and His Word. My conversation with Bubba and his on-air cohorts was actually like the typical call I get every night on the Liveprayer TV program. Bubba and his people, the vast majority who listen to him, are simply people who live their lives void of God's Truth since that would force them to be accountable to God and live by a higher standard.


It will be instructive for many in the Liveprayer family to hear this interview. After much prayer, I purposely did not edit the interview, leaving the coarse language in since people need to hear what much of the world finds acceptable conversation. There are too many who live sheltered lives, without fully comprehending that there are more people who believe like Bubba than believe like they do!

In dealing every day with the lost and hurting outside the four walls of the church, people who love the Lord must understand this is where the vast majority of people in this nation and around the world live their lives. They barely acknowledge, if at all, the existence of Gold. They thoroughly reject the Absolute Truth of Gods' Word. The fact is, everyone has a family member, friend, or co-worker like this. Because they have rejected God's Word they also have rejected Jesus Christ and whether they understand it or not, are gong to die one day and spend eternity in hell!

***LISTEN TO MY 30 MIN. INTERVIEW WITH "BUBBA THE LOVE SPONGE" AT: www.liveprayer.com/bubba.cfm

This is why I preach to you all the time that we MUST get out of the comfort zone of our churches, quit doing nothing but preaching to ourselves, and get bold and aggressive in taking the message of Christ's love to these lost and hurting masses. Bubba takes his message of debauchery and rebellion to God to the masses every day. He has no shame, no fear, and is bold and aggressive in marketing his rebellion to God while influencing millions of lives to also live in rebellion to God and His Truth.

*I ask you this question often. If a person who serves satan like Bubba can lead the masses to hell, why can't those of us who serve God lead those same masses to an everlasting relationship with Jesus Christ? The answer is simple. Bubba stops at nothing to reach the masses with his lies, while we do nothing to reach those same masses with the Truth! Pray about that statement today!!!

I love you and care about you so much. In the 48 hours after appearing on Bubba's program, we received a little over 300 emails from his listeners. 40% were from people who agreed with Bubba's worldview and sent in profanity laden, hate-filled rhetoric emails . However, the other 60% were people legitimately reaching out for prayer and help. They were hurting, dealing with the problems of life, and very appreciative someone was there to pray for them and give them a word of hope and encouragement. When people are hurting, going thru a difficult time, that is when they are open to prayer and open to the Gospel. That is why just being there and available is so critical.

That June morning, tens of thousands of people heard God's Truth and the fact Jesus loves them and He is the only way to be saved. Pray for them as the seeds have been planted in their lives that there is hope and answers if they will turn to the Lord. Please pray for Bubba, his on-air cohorts, the people who work behind the scenes on his program. The same Jesus who died for you and me, died for them as well. Bubba the Love Sponge may be a radio icon to his listeners for the few years he is alive, but he will sadly find out when he dies there is only one Savior, His name is Jesus, and He is the SAVIOR OF THE WORLD!!!

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller