Daily Devotional for Friday November 28, 2008
Mormons are not Christians
(Galatians 1:6-12)
Mormons are not Christians! Sadly, money and power has become the god of many major Christian leaders. Years ago, I was shocked and appalled when doing research on Rev. Moon's Unification cult, I discovered he cleverly had set up numerous pro-family, socially conservative organizations, and through those organizations funneled millions of dollars to most every major Christian leader of the day to buy himself mainstream credibility.
I was once again shaken out of my naive state in 2007 when I watched major Christian leaders endorsing known satanic cult member Mitt Romney for President, trading in their faith for whatever short term money and power they received for backing him. So I should not be shocked when I saw this past Tuesday, Pat Robertson personally interviewing national radio and TV host Glenn Beck as Beck made the rounds selling his new book that deals with "faith."
What is disgusting is that Glenn Beck is part of the MORMON CULT!!! He sat there and talked about his "faith," his "Lord," his "baptism," and never once did Robertson challenge him that Mormonism is totally inconsistent with Biblical Christianity. Of course Beck has a very popular national radio program where he shares his conservative beliefs. For several years he was the conservative voice on CNN, and has now moved his TV program to the FOX News Network.
FOX News Sean Hannity, makes sure he often lets people know he is a Christian and had some minor theological training in a Catholic seminary, ignorantly calls Beck a "brother in the Lord." I chalk that up to Hannity's theological ignorance. But Pat Robertson? It is no wonder why most Christians have been conned into thinking Mormons are Christians. The Mormon cult spends millions each year on public relations to give that misleading impression. Plus, you have those in the Mormon cult who make that false claim. Worse of all, you have major Christian leaders like Robertson and Dobson giving this cult mainstream credibility!!!
Beck, like all members of his satanic cult, is a LIAR! He talks on the air about his belief in God, Jesus, and the Bible, and that he is just like any other Christian. He has calculated that the theologically ignorant masses will simply assume that he is talking about the God and Jesus of the Bible and that when he speaks of the Bible, he views it as his final authority in all matters.
Here are just a few of the theological issues that makes the satanic Mormon cult totally inconsistent with Biblical Christianity and why a Mormon is no more a Christian than a Muslim is. These are the things the lying Mr. Beck won't tell you, so I will. The god of the Mormon cult is NOT the God of the Bible. Their "god" is named Elohim and was once a man like you and I who came from another planet. Mormon theology teaches that men can eventually become a god and have their own planet. Beck, as a member of this cult, believes that he too will one day become a god. When he talks about "god," he is talking about this fictitious god of Mormonism and NOT the God of the Bible!
This holds true for Jesus. The jesus of Mormon theology is not God incarnate as the Bible teaches. The Mormon jesus was not supernaturally conceived by the Holy Ghost, but the natural offspring of their "god" Elohim who had sex with Mary, meaning he is a created being no different than you and I. Mormons also teach that their jesus had several wives and children, again, in compete contradiction to what the Bible teaches. The jesus of Beck and the Mormon cult is also the brother of Lucifer and will return not to the Mt. Of Olives as the Bible teaches, but to Independence, Missouri to set up his earthly Kingdom. When Beck talks about "jesus," he is NOT talking about the true Jesus of the Bible!
*What Jesus you put your faith in is so critical, since this is why anyone who puts their faith in the imaginary jesus of Joseph Smith and the satanic Mormon cult will die in their sins and their souls burn forever in the flames of hell!
What about the Bible and true Christian churches? Mormons love to use the Bible and quote from the Bible to support their deception that they are Christians. The trademark of all cults and false religions, even those who use the Bible, is that it is NOT their final authority. In the Mormon cult, their authority does not come from the Bible which they view as incomplete and not reliable, but the writings of Smith, the Book of Mormon, the Pearl of Great Price, and the Doctrine and Covenants. These are the writings that form the false theology of this cult.
Beck and all Mormons believe that non-Mormons are "abominations." While they don't have the guts the Muslims do to publicly call a non-Muslim an infidel who should be put to death, a Mormon views a Biblical Christian as part of a "false religion" and void of all authority. Glenn Beck believes a Bible-believing Christian, the very people he is courting so hard, are an abomination!
Like in all cults, the average member hasn't got a clue what their cult really believes. You only get to know everything after you have proven yourself to be a loyal and worthy member of the cult. That is true in the Mormon cult as well. Most Mormons go to their "church," sing many of the same hymns they sing at the Baptist church down the road, give their tithe, read a few passages out of the Bible, hear a message about being a "good person," and go home. It is only when you get to become a "temple Mormon" that you really learn all of the deep, dark, beliefs of Mormonism.
The Mormon temple rituals are actually little more than the temple rituals Smith copied from another cult, Freemasonry! Smith who was involved in the Masonic cult, simply copied and incorporated their chants, handshakes, and ceremonies when he started the Mormon cult. These are the same chants, handshakes, and ceremonies Mitt Romney participated in when he took his oath to the Mormon cult above anything else, INCLUDING THE U.S. GOVERNMENT AND CONSTITUTION!
The average person has no idea that the ultimate goal of the Mormon cult is to establish a theocracy here in the United States. Joseph Smith, the cult's founder actually ran for the Presidency. So did Mitt Romney's father. This cult has the very real goal of establishing the "Kingdom of God," which means advancing the physical and earthly organization of the multi-billion dollar Mormon cult.
There is a special room in the Mormon Temple located in Washington, DC that has been prepared and in place for over 30 years, which will be the seat of power for the Mormon-led government which will supplant our current government. This was the vision Smith laid out less than 200 years ago, and Mitt Romney and those in the hierarchy and leadership of the Mormon cult see this as the time for that vision to become fulfilled!
I love you and care about you so much. Sadly, because those who people view as leaders like Robertson give Beck a forum to spew his lies without challenging him, only reinforces the Mormon deception that they are Christians. I have done my best in a limited amount of time to give you a brief overview of the false and satanic beliefs of the Mormon cult.. I have just barely scratched the surface, but just in what I have shared with you today, NOBODY in their right mind could ever believe that a Mormon is a Christian.
When you study Mormon theology and understand the wild beliefs of Smith and this cult, you need faith greater than I will ever hope to have to believe what they do. There is no logic to it and there is absolutely nothing they believe that has any basis in realty or can be proven. The mythical gold tablets Smith said he found . Men who become gods and have their own planet where they have many wives and create "spirit babies." It all makes Star Trek look believable!
The Mormon cult shares some of the same scientific fantasies of the Scientology cult dreamed up by that science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard. It also has some elements of the false religion of Islam in that they believe all non-Mormons are an abomination and they will one day rule the earth. As I shared earlier, they have also taken some of the dark, satanic rituals of the Masonic cult and incorporated them into their temple ceremonies.
Listen, Glenn Beck and those in this cult can believe whatever they want. God gave us free will, and men who live in rebellion to God since the very beginning have dreamed up the wildest and most ridiculous things, and sadly people who were spiritually void chose to believe their lies and will be lost for all eternity because of it. My main point is that they be honest and truthful about what they believe. The danger of Mormonism is that they are deceptive (just look at their name, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) and will lie without conscience just like the father of lies, satan (John 8:44), to get people to join their cult, leading their eternal souls to hell.
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller