Daily Devotional for Friday October 10, 2008

The LivePrayer Church

(Hebrews 10:25)


The LivePrayer Church. This Sunday is the launch of an exciting new addition to the Liveprayer ministries, the LivePrayer Church. This will be a church like any other, except this 21st century church will meet online as opposed to in a physical building. Whether a church meets in a physical building or at an internet site, the true church is the people. The LivePrayer Church will have no denominational ties. The oversight of the church will be provided by 3 elders, 2 of which are pastors with over 5 decades of combined experience, and a layman with several decades of church administration. I will be the preaching evangelist for the new LivePrayer Church. Like any church, the LivePrayer Church will be a place for people to be spiritually fed, grow in their faith, trained up to serve the Lord, and ministered to in their time of need.

The decision to start this new church was ultimately made when God gave me the vision for the Jonah Project. As we aggressively reach out to lead this nation back to Christ, we are going to see a major harvest of souls coming to faith in Jesus Christ, not only in the United States, but in countries all over the world. Praise God for the many great churches that exist, but the fact is, it has been a nightmare since we started Liveprayer to find good solid churches to place new converts. Getting a person saved is great, but then they must be properly discipled so they can grow in their new faith.

In addition to having a stable church environment for new converts to be properly discipled, with the better percentage of two full generations having never even been to church, many people simply don't know where to go. Cults like the Mormons, the JWs, the Scientologists, and others, have done a masterful job of tricking people truly seeking a church home into falling for their false teachings. Just as bad are the growing number of churches where gross sins like homosexuality and abortion are actually promoted and glorified. Add to that the many liberal churches that don't even hold the Bible to be God's Word, and people who are looking to go to church often end up in very dangerous spiritual environments.

So the LivePrayer Church will become a real option for people who currently don't have a church home. It will also be a place for the incredible number of people we deal with daily who have been hurt by churches in the past and have been disenfranchised from a more traditional church experience. I can't tell you how many people that includes. This becomes a real option for them to get back into a church environment. Of course, being online allows us to attract congregants from all over the world, many who have little or no church options where they live. This is going to make the new LivePrayer Church a real snapshot of Heaven, as men and women, young and old, rich and poor, people from all over the world come together bound by only one thing...the shed blood of Jesus Christ!

Every Sunday morning at 12:01am EDT, that week's Worship Service will be made available on the LivePrayer Church website. It will remain up until the next week at the same time. This way, people will be able to "go to church" at their convenience, and right from the comfort of their home, office, a park, Internet cafe, or wherever they use their computer. There will be an opening section to the service, apx 10-12 min of music, followed by that week's message, an invitation to accept Christ, and a time to minister to people's needs. Because of the incredible technology we are using, when it comes time for the music portion of the service, each viewer will be able to choose the type of music they want to hear. They can choose from old hymns, praise and worship, or Gospel. This gives each viewer the ability to choose the type of music they are most comfortable with.

For those who become members of the new LivePrayer Church, we have lots of incredible resources that will be up and available Monday, November 3rd. In addition to the online discipleship for new Believers, there will be interactive Bible Studies, evangelism training, men's ministries, women's ministries, youth ministries, outreach ministries, home and foreign missions, as well as a special fellowship area using some of the great social networking tools that are available. As time goes on, no doubt we will continue to add to the available resources designed to help people grow in their faith and equip them to be great servants of our Lord.

I really am excited about this new addition to the work God has called us to do. The time is right for this new 21st century online cathedral. The beautiful thing is we will never have a building fund, could easily have a congregation of millions from all over the world, and effectively feed and minister to each person who comes to the LivePrayer Church. The fact is, for over 9 years now, we have been ministering to the needs of tens of thousands daily, many who have a church home, but get more personal attention from Liveprayer in their time of need than they do at their own church down the street. So I have no doubt based on the tens of millions of people we have ministered to over the years that the LivePrayer Church will do a very effective job in ministering to those who come to our services and become part of this new community of followers of Jesus Christ!

I love you and care about you so much. Please be in prayer for the new LivePrayer Church. Like anything associated with Liveprayer, I have no doubt it will come under great attack. It will drive satan crazy knowing that we are now actually having an online worship service that millions around the world will be able to access to be spiritually fed, grow in their faith, encouraged, challenged, and equipped to be all God has called them to be. This is a 21st century church that without shame or compromise will each week preach the Truth of the Bible and minister to the needs of those who attend, while training people to serve the Lord. The LivePrayer Church is not being created to be just another church, but to save souls, transform lives, help people grow in their faith, and make a huge impact on this world for Christ.

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller