Daily Devotional for Wednesday April 30, 2008

Pastor Condones the Sin of Homosexuality, Killing Babies, and Preaches Racial Division

(Acts 17:26,27, Rom. 10:11-13)

What kind of pastor condones the sin of homosexuality, killing babies, and preaches a gospel of racial division? The pastor for 20 years and spiritual mentor of Democratic Presidential candidate B. Hussein Obama! I found it amusing the past few days that all of the news media is focusing on the racially divisive and anti-American rhetoric of Dr. Jeremiah Wright, who for over 3 decades was the Senior Pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Illinois.

For those who have been reading the Daily Devotional and/or watching the Liveprayer television program, I have told you about Dr. Wright for 7 years now, since he pastors the church Oprah used to call home and Senator Obama has been part of for the past 2 decades.

Dr. Wright not only married Senator Obama and his wife and christened their 2 children, but he has also been the spiritual mentor to the Senator and helped shape his theological beliefs. He has been prominent in the news the past few days because the public has been horrified after being exposed to his racist and anti-American views that he has espoused for over 30 years in his church.

In trying to do damage control Friday, Senator Obama ended any affiliation Dr. Wright had with his Presidential campaign and the Senator went on numerous news programs stating that he was not aware Dr. Wright held these views. B. Hussein Obama is a liar!

As many of you know, I started my ministry in the city of Chicago in 1992. Two of the members of my Board of Directors who have been with me since day one, are both black pastors of churches on the south side of Chicago. I have had the joy and privilege to preach in several dozen black churches in the Chicagoland area in the early days of my ministry. Anyone who has had ANY dealing with the churches in Chicago know who Dr. Jeremiah Wright is and that he preaches a gospel of black separatism with anti-American views.

In theological circles it is known as "black liberation theology," a perverse theology originally taught by James Cone that seeks to contribute to the liberation of black people from the perceived racism in the country and in Christianity.

Please hear me very clear. Black liberation theology is a perverse view of the Scriptures and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is a radical view held by a very small minority of black pastors. This is NOT representative of the black church or the overwhelming majority of black pastors who preach and teach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ without looking at it thru the lens of color. Every black pastor I know condemns Dr. Wright and this perverse racist theology.

Sadly, to the non-churched masses and to white Americans who have little or no exposure to the black church, seeing and hearing Dr. Wright's radical views of the world and the Scriptures, will cause them to assume this is the position held by all black churches. Again, Dr. Wright is in a very small minority of pastors who hold to these perverted views and this is NOT representative of the black church or Christians who happen to be black.

***Note: After his remarks on Monday the 28th, Dr. Wright was asked if Muslim's would be in Heaven. Dr. Wright further proved his heresy by citing the words of Jesus from John 10:26. "And other sheep I have which are not of this fold," insinuating that those who follow the false religion of Islam will be in Heaven. This is also the passage the Mormon cult and other false religions use to make the case they will be in Heaven. The fact is, Jesus said that HE was the only way to the Father. God gave one and only one plan of salvation, faith in Jesus Christ, the only name by which men are saved. There are no other roads to God, no other plans of salvation. The cults and false religions who deny the Jesus of the Bible will die in their sins and be cast into everlasting darkness. Jesus does have "other sheep," and sadly, many of them will end up getting slaughtered because of their rejection of the Lord!

Having said that, let me reiterate that B. Hussein Obama is a liar when he says he was not aware of these beliefs held by his pastor. That is impossible since everyone in Chicago knows about Dr. Wright and his radical and racially divisive theology. His teachings attracted many young, upwardly mobile, successful blacks who agree with his views on race and social issues. They joined his church not only for the spiritual experience, but for the networking opportunities it provided.

It was the perfect church home for Senator Obama who had no Christian background or Biblical upbringing, and was a rising star in the Daley political machine in Chicago. It was the perfect church home and message for Senator Obama who was dealing with the social and economic challenges of blacks on the south side of Chicago early in his political career.

The United Church of Christ is a predominantly white and very liberal denomination that supports and condones sins like homosexuality and women killing their babies. Like many liberal denominations, it focuses on the "social gospel," dealing with the economically poor rather than the spiritually poor. These types of churches focus on the financially down and out and needy, using the parts of the Bible that speak to helping those who are less fortunate, while brushing over the passages that speak to living a life holy and acceptable to God in accordance with His Word.

This is where Senator Obama comes up with the laughable notion that the Sermon on the Mount teaches homosexuality is an acceptable choice as he recently stated in the news. In his bid for the White House, B. Hussein Obama has received great support from those in the gay and lesbian community since he will champion their desire to make gay marriage legal in all 50 states and to break down all barriers to gay adoption, as well as other issues favorable to giving those who choose to commit the sin of homosexuality special rights.

Senator Obama also supports the legalized slaughter of babies. He has been 100% consistent in his political career both in the Illinois Senate and the United States Senate, to support the legalized practice of infanticide. I wonder how he can go home at night, look at his two precious little girls, yet vote to support the legalized murder of babies. Again, this is all in line with the liberal theology and social gospel teachings of his pastor and church for the past 20 years.

I say that any "pastor" and any "church" that supports slaughtering babies should never be referred to with those names. How can you call yourself a pastor, how can a church call itself a church, how can a person honestly call themselves a follower of Jesus Christ, and support a woman making the decision to kill her baby? That is inconsistent with the teachings of Christ and the Bible, and even most hard hearted heathens who deny the existence of God understands that it is murder!

I love you and care about you so much. My guess is that Senator Obama will soon leave Trinity UCC to appease his political detractors. The fact is, he is 20 years too late. He, like ALL who are part of that church and most who are not part of Trinity, knew of the perverse theology and racist, anti-American views of Dr. Jeremiah Wright. This is not revelation to anyone in Chicago. I have told you about Dr. Wright and that church for many years now.

Senator Obama has to make the same decision we all have to make. It was Jesus who said you can't serve two masters. Is our master Jesus or do we serve another master? If Jesus is his master, Senator Obama needs to denounce the sin of homosexuality and take a stand for life. If politics is his master, he will continue to support these sins.

At some point, each person has to decide if you love Jesus or if you love this world. We make that decision many times throughout the day when we choose to obey God or disobey Him. If we say we love the Lord, we will obey Him. If we say we love the Lord and disobey Him, we obviously don't love Him enough since it was Jesus who said, "If you love Me, you will obey Me." I pray today that Senator Obama will love Jesus enough to obey Him, and I pray that you and I will love Him enough to obey Him.