Daily Devotional for Sunday March 23, 2008

He Is Risen

(Matthew 28:5-7)

HE IS RISEN!!!!!!!! Today, marks the greatest historical event in human history...the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The reason the resurrection of Jesus is the greatest historical event is because it is the absolute key to our faith. Paul said in his first letter to the church at Corinth in the 15th chapter, that if Christ did not rise from the dead, then we are still dead in our sin and most vain of all. However, if He did rise from the dead, then we have the assurance our sins are forgiven and of everlasting life.

You see, Jesus is either the biggest fraud in the history of mankind or He is exactly who He claims to be...the Son of God. The resurrection is the key event.

The historical evidence of Christ's resurrection is irrefutable. The fact that he died on a Roman cross, the claims of followers seeing the risen Lord, evidence of the empty tomb, the inability of the Jewish leaders to disprove the resurrection claims in the very city Jesus died and was buried, and the radical transformation in the lives of His disciples are all well documented. His disciples went from being normal men concerned only about their own welfare from the night Jesus was arrested, to bold preachers who were willing to die for their faith. You also have Jesus' own predictions of His resurrection as well as the fact that soon after was the birth of the Christian church that started meeting on Sunday. That is significant since these were monotheistic Jews who were used to worshipping on Saturday.

My friend, the Christian faith has never meant to be a blind leap in the dark. God never asked His children to just believe without any evidence of what we believe in. He has given us plenty of tangible historical evidence to help us know without a doubt that what is in His inspired, inerrant Word is the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Absolute truth that you can stake your very life on. Of course, once we get to the point we accept the resurrection as a fact, and we accept His Word as TRUTH, it then demands that we totally and unconditionally surrender our very life to Him.

That becomes the logical conclusion of this spiritual journey. Because you see, it is not our life any longer, it belongs to Him. Our purpose is to simply serve and glorify Him with our lives. I pray that on this day in which we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, you will recommit your life to Him. We can all do better. None of us have given it ALL to Him...we can give Him more. Make this day the day that you realize that Jesus rose from the dead, to insure that you will live for eternity with Him if you have accepted Him into your heart and life by faith.

I love you and care about you so very much. I pray you have a wonderful Resurrection Day. For those traveling to be with your family, you will be in my prayers for a safe journey. May you be richly blessed as we stand together to proclaim to this hurting and dying world that Jesus Christ is the Lord of Lords, and the King of Kings....HE IS RISEN!!!