Daily Devotional for Thursday January 3, 2008
(Deuteronomy 10:12; Matthew 9:9)
"As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector's booth. "Follow me," he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him." - Matthew 9:9 (NIV)
Each day this ministry is in prayer for people of all ages who are dealing with tremendous mental and health challenges. Many prayer requests we get each day are simply for God to give them a moment's relief from the pain in their body. Sadly, every day we are in prayer for people who have had a family member or close friend die. The reality of this life is that because of sin, our bodies do break down and become sick at some point. Death is a reality that each one of us will face one day. That is why today I want to encourage and challenge you to not waste even one day that God can use your life in His service.
I look back over my life and zero in on that 12-year period when I was not walking with the Lord, living in rebellion to God, His Word, and most of all, His plan for my life. During those years, God blessed me with a clear mind, perfect health, tremendous energy, things that you cannot put a price tag on. I took those incredible blessings from God for granted and instead of using my life to serve Him, chose instead to serve myself. I took those precious gifts from God and did not use them to bring glory to Him, but to myself. I took for granted life itself, acting like it would never end, when the Bible clearly teaches that tomorrow is promised to none of us.
Even though I am only 49 and God has continued to bless me with a clear mind (though some may argue that point on certain days), tremendous energy, and great health, I never take one day for granted, since I know that I wake up each morning and my mind and body continue to function only by the grace of God. That is why each day I do my very best to give God everything that I have. God gives His very best to me each day, how can I give Him anything less than my best?
So exactly what is God calling you to do? Many think serving God means selling everything you have and going to live in some far off jungle. While God does burden many people to serve Him in a missionary capacity, most people God calls to serve Him right where they are at in their life. Don't think for a second that it is an accident or coincidence you go to school where you do or that you work where you do. It is God who opened those doors and has placed you for this season of your life right where He wants you to be.
Never forget that your greatest witness for the Lord will always be how you live your life before others each day. People do notice. Also, the greatest thing you can share with someone, after how they can be saved, is what Jesus has done in your life. You are a living testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ! God has you at the school you go to, at the job you work at, living where you do, meeting people in the course of your daily activities, for a reason and purpose. Especially today where the better part of two full generations don't go to church, you are the only Bible they will ever read and the only contact with Christ they will ever have.
However, there are some of you reading this today that God IS calling to a new level of commitment and service, and you know exactly who you are. God is speaking to you clearly through this message today. He is telling you that now is the time to step out in faith and trust Him. He has given you a special burden to serve Him and wants you to trust Him today. This word is simply His confirmation of what He has already been talking to you about. The fear and doubt you have are coming from satan. Now is the time to step out in faith, trust Him, and do with your life what you know God is calling you to do.
I love you and care about you so much. Our life is made up of different seasons, and in each season God gives us opportunities to serve Him. We do not have the promise of tomorrow, only the reality of today. I pray today that you will not waste this precious gift God has given to you. He has allowed you to wake up for a reason, and the ultimate reason is so that you can serve and glorify Him with your life. Should you be blessed with many years of life, at some point your body will begin to break down. You will experience sickness and poor health. Eventually you will die.
That is why during this season where you have a clear mind and good health, the mental and physical ability to do great things for God, you have to take advantage of them. Don't allow satan to lull you into the belief that you will always be able to serve the Lord in the future. His lie is that you need to worry about yourself now, and you can serve God later. God has called ALL of His children, no matter what age you are, to serve Him now, not tomorrow. It is God, NOT YOU, that will provide for your day-to-day needs along your journey as He has promised.
In closing, I again want to speak directly to those of you who have been struggling with God's calling on your life. For most, you are right where He wants you to be for this season. Keep being the salt of the earth, the light to this world in your school and in your workplace. But for some of you, God is calling you to step out in faith and fully and unconditionally surrender your life to Him today. He wants to use you in a special way in serving His Kingdom.
My counsel to you is this. Be honored God wants to use you. We get a few opportunities along our journey to do something great with our life. Not in the way the world judges greatness, but in the way God judges greatness. There is nothing greater you can do with your life than to serve the Lord. Step out in faith and trust the Lord to guide you and meet your every need, as you answer His call to service. God is calling you to make a difference with your life NOW!!!