Daily Devotional for Friday July 20, 2007


(John 2:9, Exodus 14:21, Joshua 6:20, John 11:43)

Do miracles exist today? The very first miracle Jesus performed was when He turned the water into wine at the wedding feast in Cana of Galilee. I know many who reject the Bible laugh at the miracles recorded in God's Word. They refuse to believe the Red Sea actually parted, or the walls of Jericho were brought down with some trumpets and shouting, or that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, or any number of miracles that are documented in the Bible. Even if you believe that these Biblical miracles occurred, it still begs the question, do miracles exist today?

Let me end any drama and answer that question right up front...YES!!! I consider myself to be incredibly blessed if for no other reason, I get to come to the Liveprayer office every day and see God working miracles in people's lives. People being healed, marriages restored, financial needs met, are just a few of the miracles I see on a daily basis. Every single day I personally witness hundreds of examples of God working miracles in the lives of real people.

The Bible teaches us that God is no respecter of persons. That simply means what God has done for someone else He will do for you. The fact is, God is working miracles in people's lives every day, and that includes people just like you! I can guarantee you there have been numerous times in your life when God has stepped in and done something only He could have done. There is no other logical explanation other than "God did it!" That my friend is what a miracle is. It is God doing what only God can do!

Most people don't even realize how many miracles God works in their life because they don't fully comprehend that some of the things God does for them, are things only God could do for them! If you take a moment and think back on different trials that you have had to face in your life, and how God stepped in and met your need, that my friend is a MIRACLE! You can't manufacture a miracle, you can't force a miracle to happen, a miracle is something that God and only God can do in accordance with His sovereign will.

***YOU CAN'T BUY MIRACLES EITHER! Remember Simon the Sorcerer in the Book of Acts? God's power is not for sale, however, it is available to those who seek it to build His Kingdom. Additionally, miracles of God can't be marketed like a box of cereal. They don't occur at a pre-determined time and place or happen like turning on a light switch, but they happen sovereignly as God sees fit.

Let me share this with you today. When God can take your problems and turn them into blessings, that is a miracle. Only God can take your problems and turn them into blessings. I assure you today that taking problems and turning them into blessings is every much a miracle as when Jesus turned the water into wine! I can think back on my life, I know you can think back on your life, how we were facing some major issue. God didn't just help us get victory over whatever that issue was, but He turned our problem into a blessing. THAT IS A MIRACLE ONLY GOD COULD PERFORM!!!

I love you and care about you so much. I know today many who are reading this are looking for God to perform a miracle in their life and circumstances. You are at a place where ONLY GOD can help you. The Bible tells us that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD! I want you to hear that powerful truth from God's Word today, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD! Now is not the time for despair but for hope. Now is not the time for sorrow but for joy. Our God is still a miracle working God in the year 2007!!!

I will be praying for you today. Praying specifically for the miracle that you need in your life. No matter how great or small your need may be, God can step in and work the miracle that you are looking for today. Whether it is for healing in your body, the restoration of your marriage or another relationship, a financial need to be met, or perhaps it is for a job, or a car, or something at school. No matter what your need is, no mater how great or how small that need may be, God is able to step in and do what nobody else can do and meet your need.

Sadly, so many scoff at the idea of God working miracles. The truth is, their very life is a miracle. The Bible says it rains on the just and the unjust, and likewise God works miracles in the lives of His children as well as the lives of those who have rejected Him. I pray today that those who deny the Lord, who are the recipients of His miracle-working power, will fall to their knees and acknowledge God for who He is and put their hope and faith in Jesus Christ.

Yes, the Bible is full of many great miracles, but God is still performing miracles today. God's mercy and grace and miracle-working power is available to everyone. No matter where you are today, no matter what you may be facing, open your heart to the Lord and call on His name. I will be praying with you and for you to see the miracle-working hand of God in your life today!

Do miracles still exist today? ABSOLUTELY. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever!!! I am praying for you today and for the miracle you need!!!

With just 11 days left in the month of July, we are right at $60,000 short of meeting all of our July obligations. We had to use the fist 7-8 days of the month to cover the June shortfall, so it is going to take several people who are able to make a gift of $5,000-$20,000, and hundreds more giving as God leads them and they are able for us to end July with all of our needs met. Each month, God brings forth 3-4 key people to make a significant gift to augment the hundreds who give between $10 and $1,000. Pray about letting God use you this month to be one of those 3-4.

As we are winding down our 95th month here at Liveprayer, I have no doubt God will move on the right hearts and can only pray each one will be obedient and faithful to follow through. Don't expect others to do what God is calling you to do. Please be praying today for those God is leading to respond and that we will end July with our needs met. What is God calling YOU to do today? Please pray and be faithful to respond!

TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card on our secure sever at: www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" link, you can give using your PayPal account using my email address: bkeller@liveprayer.com , or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St. Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.

Thank you for helping me be here to bring God's Truth to this dark world and His hope to the lost and hurting. YOU are making a difference in the eternal souls of men!!!