Daily Devotional for Tuesday April 24, 2007
A Harvest of Souls
(Matthew 9:37)
After nearly 2 decades of evangelistic ministry, after these past 92 months of reaching millions worldwide every day through Liveprayer.com, and after nearly doing 1,100 TV programs on secular television these past 50 months, I can tell you with 100% certainty that we are reaching people every day who wake up lost and without hope, who by the time they go to bed that night, have received the gift of everlasting life through faith in Jesus Christ.
PEOPLE ARE LITERALLY WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO TELL THEM HOW TO BE SAVED!!! THERE IS A HARVEST OF SOULS SIMPLY WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO BRING IT IN! That is why Jesus said, "The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few." To many, what I will say may sound like an oversimplification but I assure you it is not. The only reason more people aren't getting saved is there aren't more people out there reaching out to them and telling them how!
I loved those early years when I first started out, preaching in churches all over the country. I love the church and I love being with God's people. But as an evangelist, I realized that most who were in church were already saved so it was simply not the best use of my time and effort. I was very heavily involved in Christian television for nearly 4 years after that. Again, I love Christian TV and the role it plays in ministering to the Body of Christ, but due to the fact over 98% of the viewers are already Christians, again, it simply wasn't the best use of my time and efforts.
Nearly 8 years ago, God gave me the vision to start Liveprayer.com and over 4 years ago, the Liveprayer TV program on secular television. I have had no qualms, no hesitation, no concern at all about literally giving all of my time, talent, and treasure 24/7 these past 92 months to Liveprayer because it is the most effective and efficient tool there is in reaching literally millions of lives across this nation and around the world for Christ. It not only is a great way to bring God's Truth and a Biblical worldview to this lost world which mostly rejects God, the Bible and Jesus, but also bring the hope and love of Christ to the hurting and lost.
Liveprayer is about many things, but first and foremost it is about seeing the lost won to faith in Jesus Christ! I have a special archive of some great phone calls from the TV program these past few months. Just last week, every night we had someone who called about a need, about an issue in their life, and ended up accepting the Lord as their Savior during their phone call. Talk about the ultimate in reality TV! If you want to see and hear the greatest miracle there is, a soul that is one moment bound for hell, the next moment assured of Heaven, go to: www.liveprayer.com/reasons.cfm
The first few clips are from just this past week's programs. The very first one is especially powerful. This man called with 7 minutes left in the program last Friday night. He had never seen the program before and asked some great questions. Literally as we were going off the air, he accepted the Lord into his heart and life by faith. Please, take a moment and watch and hear these powerful real life examples of what Liveprayer is all about!
I realize that not everyone has been called to literally give up their life to bring the Gospel to the lost throughout the world. However, everyone who knows the Lord has been COMMANDED by God to share their faith. That is why I will continue to challenge you and encourage and help you to be the best witness for Christ you can be to your unsaved family, friends, and those God brings into your life each day.
Another way you can share your faith is by supporting Liveprayer with your prayers and finances. Obviously, I can only do what I do each day because there are friends like you who pray for me and sacrificially give to help me pay the expenses of operating Liveprayer. The fact it is your money is the very reason why I refuse to use it to build buildings or live like the ruler of a small nation. THE MONEY YOU GIVE TO LIVEPRAYER GOES DIRECTLY TO REACHING THE LOST FOR CHRIST!