Daily Devotional for Friday February 23, 2007
The Man Who Claims He is Jesus Christ
(Matthew 24:4, 2 Timothy 3:1-9; 2 Peter 3:3-10)
"Jesus answered: "Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many." Matthew 24:4
The man who claims he is Jesus Christ, a sign of the last days! Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda, 61, from Puerto Rico claims he is Jesus Christ! Yes, that Jesus Christ! He preaches sin no longer exists and there is no devil. He is now based out of Miami and you can read all about his international ministry that has thousands of followers on his website at: http://www.cegenglish.com/ Now while most people reading this have already dismissed this man for the fraud he is, I am dealing with him today because it was Jesus Himself who declared that in the last days there would be MANY who come in His name, claiming to be our Lord. He added that these false Christs would deceive many.
The fact is, Jesus will return just as He promised when He ascended to the Father from the Mt. of Olives in Acts Chapter 1. However, make no mistake, when He does return the world will know it. He is not coming back to build buildings, do TV programs, wear diamond encrusted watches, and drive around in armored luxury cars with body guards like this fraud Miranda. When our Lord does return, he won't be here to acquire the temporal things of this world and live like an earthly king. No my friend, He will be coming for the righteous (1 Thessalonians 4:16,17), He will destroy the wicked (Luke 17:26-30), and He will bring salvation to those who will believe in Him (Hebrews (9:26-28).
It is a shame that I have to take a day's Devotional to simply expose a conman who is clearly a liar and leading people astray. But as I have been studying this clown who calls himself "The Man Christ Jesus," I realized that our Lord warned us of people like this for a reason. We know He is coming back, and because many who love the Lord and are anxiously awaiting His return, the Biblically illiterate could easily be taken in by a tool of satan like Miranda who claims he is Jesus, and has returned just like He promised.
There is nothing really unique about Miranda. The fact is, over the past 2,000 years, there have been many who have clamed to be Jesus, just as He said there would be. However, in today's world of modern communication, 24 hour cable news, Miranda has gained much fame and recognition due to all of the media coverage he has received. He has wisely tapped into the two most powerful communication tools of our day, the Internet and television, to bring his false message to the masses. He is actually using the same tools to deceive people that we use at Liveprayer every day to bring the masses the Truth and the hope we have in the real Jesus of Nazareth!
As I have shared with you often, we are living in the last days. Only God knows the moment our Lord will return, but based on the signs of the last days given in the Bible these are the last days. In light of all that is happening around the world and the escalating problems in the Middle East, we are seeing history and Bible prophesy unfold before our eyes. There is no more time to play. There is no more time to be apathetic about our faith. There is no more time to allow ourselves to be distracted by the enemy who sends false Jesuses, uses division in the Body of Christ, and our own personal weaknesses to keep us from serving God.
My friend, the battle cry has clearly sounded. The trumpet of warning is clearly being blown for all to hear. The events that are unfolding in our nation, around the world, right before our very eyes is God's way of saying, "NOW my children, prepare yourselves and this world for the return of Christ!!!" We can never lose sight of the big picture. Jesus Christ is coming soon, in the twinkling of an eye. Are we really ready for that? Is this world really ready for that?
One of my number one goals as I have shared before, is to help you translate your faith in Christ into your daily, real world, life. You see, the enemies number one weapon is to get us so caught up in our weaknesses, our problems, the cares of this life, that we become virtually ineffective for service in God's army. When he can get your focus on yourself instead of your service, he has won. He has taken you out of the game. That is why we must get a handle on our own lives, so that we can effectively minister to others. We must rise above our problems, so that we can effectively help others rise above their problems.
I have many friends that are involved in multi-level marketing organizations. I think it is a creative and very legitimate way to make money if the company and their products and/or services are legit. The key to success in the MLM world is mobilizing people. Helping them overcome their issues so that they can effectively help others in their downlines be productive. That is the key to success in that world. For me personally, that is exactly what God has called me to do with my life, but not for an organization and for money, but for the Kingdom of God and to fulfill His plan for my life. It is time for the people of God to stand up, become bold, and share with this dying and lost world the message that there is hope and everlasting life through God's son Jesus Christ!
I love you and care about you very much. I have received so much mail in the last year from people concerned these charlatans like Miranda and the events unfolding around the world. Let me simply say this. Only God knows the hour, minute, second of Christ's return. Until then, He has given us very clear instructions that we are to be about His business until that glorious moment. You do not have to be a Biblical scholar to read passages that tell us clearly we are in the last days. He is coming is very soon. Now more than ever we need to get past our own problems, because God needs His children, all His children on the front lines.
Just like our brave men and women of the armed services put their lives on the line daily in defense of our great nation, our Commander in Chief is asking each one in His army to do likewise. This is not a video game. The stakes are eternal life versus eternal damnation. Too many of God's children are AWOL at this critical moment. I pray today that you will hear His call to battle and understand that answering that call is not an option. It is something that each and everyone of His children is required to do each day. We must answer the call, fight the good fight of faith.
These my friend, are the last days. Miranda is not Jesus, but the real Jesus IS COMING AT ANY MOMENT AND WE BETTER BE READY!!!