Help me to let others know about the Jonah Project!

The vision God gave me to lead this nation, other nations of the world, and millions of souls to faith in Jesus Christ and Biblical Truth is only possible with the help of friends like you who love the Lord.  This is your opportunity to let the Lord use your life to make an impact in the eternal souls of men and the spiritual direction of this nation and others around
the world.

Like Nineveh, this nation and others around the world can repent of their sins, turn back to God, and be spared His judgment.  I believe in my heart that we will see a great worldwide revival, with tens of millions of souls
coming to know Jesus Christ as their Savior by faith.

You can be part of this great move of God by reaching out to your family, friends, and neighbors and helping them get involved in the Jonah Project.

Please help me spread word about the Jonah Project and do what you can to get more people involved:

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